As human beings we are all diverse and unique in our own ways. We all have gifts and personalities that define our very core. This gifts and personalities are all different in every individual. When these differences are brought together in a confined environment, there are two major things that can happen. They can either bring forth greater productivity due to the merging of different inputs or on the other extreme they can lead to the rise of serious conflict due to the differing mindsets. In any ordinary workplace, these are the same results that we see every day. For any organization to be able to move towards their goals they have to find a way to deal with these conflicts in a way that does not break down the organization and at the same time keeps the employees personalities intact.

Workplace Conflict is usually a job that is relegated to the leaders in an organization. A leader can never distance themselves from conflict. This therefore means it is very important for every leader to be able to understand the dynamics involved in Conflict resolution. This entails understanding its causes and how to handle the conflict at hand.


Workplace conflicts are usually caused by a number of factors. These widely range from jealousy, pride, ego, lack of enough information, competition, power struggles and even something as small as someone having a “bad hair day”. All this different issues can be classified under two broad topics: Communication and Emotions.

1. Communication problems

Majority of the conflicts in the workplace are usually communication related. It’s either lack of communication, poor communication or miscommunication that leads to the rise of conflicts in the workplace. As a leader in the workplace it is important one ensures that clear, concise, accurate and timely information is passed on to their employees to nip any conflicts that may be arising in the bud.

2. Emotional problems

Emotions can also lead to workplace conflict. This is because as human beings we are emotional beings and we are more prone to make decisions based on our emotions. According to human nature we were all created to have different ideologies and mindsets. In a workplace environment, once all these different philosophies clash, conflict will have to arise.

The Supervisor Role in Conflict Resolution

It is always better to deal with conflicts immediately they crop up. As a supervisor, it is important that one learns how to deal with these workplace conflicts and be able to enhance peace in the workplace amongst the employees. How a supervisor handles conflict in the workplace will effectively determine whether they increase either productivity or hostility in the workplace.

These and many other issues about managing self, others and systems are covered in-depth in our Advanced Supervisory Skills course. This will ensure that they are able to lead their teams in a more effective manner eventually creating a conducive environment for greater productivity.


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