We are living in a time and age whereby majority of the people are technologically savvy. This means more and more people understand how to keep up with the ever rising technological trends, more people own smart phones, the prices of data bundles are also on the decrease thus creating easier access to internet services. With these factors all in our favor, it is therefore no wonder that we are generating a lot of data which we either do not need or that we are hoarding for no specific reason. According to the Free Dictionary, Hoarding is defined as the collection of elements e.g. memories or information that one keeps to oneself for future use. Data hoarding can therefore be explained as the amassing of huge amounts of data that an individual might think will be of importance in the future.

We are usually very good at dutifully keeping our homes all tidy and clean, and thus we cannot easily judge an individual as a data hoarder due to the state of their living room. A quick look at an individual’s hard disk will let you know about their data management tendencies. To the easily accessible cloud-based storage spaces to tangible spaces like hard disks, we are hoarding more and more data not necessarily because we need it but because we have the means to save it.

One of the main causes of data hoarding is the easy access to greater storage capacities. Technological companies are also collaborating with us to hoard by providing new devices with greater storage space. Since the devices come with bigger storage capacities, we therefore end up storing more data than we even require leading to Information Obesity. This term is usually shortened to infobesity. This is because it runs in the same trend like the usual obesity. This is whereby one keeps on snacking on a lot of information that carries no nutritional value to them at all. To make it harder we even hoard the nutrition-less information and even when we try to retrieve the information that we actually need ,it becomes harder to find it.

Necessity is the mother of innovation, or so they say. Let that be the idea that guides all future innovations: necessity. The “cloud” is an innovation created out of the necessity of organizing our data and for keeping our devices unclogged by too much data. The most recent innovation is “big data “and its mandate is to create sense out of all the data we have been creating. Big Data and Data Quality Management go hand in hand, since the only way to make sense out of the big data is by sifting through it and retrieving and eventually managing its quality content. Data Quality Management is a specialty for us at Kenvision Techniks limited.



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