Automotive Key Programming & Duplication Skills


On completion of the training, participants are expected to;

The following skills will be covered in this program

  • Strip and understand the characteristics and rebuild a range of vehicle locks
  • Recognize lock faults, repair and service effectively
  • Effective entry of vehicles without causing damage
  • Key cutting, both duplication and to code
  • How to find key code locations and vehicle information
  • An overview of immobilizer systems, transponders and diagnostics
  • Demonstration and practical experience on modern vehicles
  • Essential business planning including what to ask when the phone rings
  • Relevant paperwork requirements including pricing structures and invoicing
  • Key & remote programming skills using the AD100Pro




This comprehensive automotive course is the ultimate key vehicle programming training. The 5-day course offers everything from basic to the advanced key programming equipment, together with actual vehicle scenarios to hone your skills and build your confidence in your abilities.

The course is suitable for those with little or no experience in the auto locksmith trade and offers a greater level of in depth training in both the mechanical and electronic parts of the market, culminating in gaining entry, making a key and programming a range of practice vehicles.

As a trainee, you will learn the workings of the lock and therefore how to open them when no keys are available. They will be taught how to cut and decode keys, learn how to use diagnostics & transponder programming and cloning machines, as well as how to carry out EEPROM programming. 

The course is 60% practical to ensure you know how to put the theory into practice. Upon completion of the course you will have the ability to start practicing as a knowledgeable Auto locksmith and have an in-depth ability to work on the vehicles trained on. You will also receive a detailed instruction manual and training certificate.

Automotive security systems & Components Installation


While modern cars already have their own built-in car alarm system fully-installed, many car owners prefer to have an installed system that is responsive to their needs and environment. It is in these times and circumstances that  they need technically sound workmanship from qualified installers.  …

A typical vehicle immobilizer system requires the vehicle ignition key (with an embedded transponder) to be authenticated by the Engine Control Unit (ECU) each time the vehicle is started.




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