
This practical course is designed to coach and equip learners with skills to enable them to effectively design and complete building information modeling such as; architectural site plans and structural drawings for Construction Using the ArchiCAD program.

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Module #1 – Introduction to the Virtual Building Concept and the ArchiCAD Environment

  1. QuickStart Course Introduction– plus a tour of a project file, conceptual overview
  2. Starting to Create a Virtual Building– drawing basic elements, navigation in 2D and 3D
  3. Selection, Navigation and Basic Editing
  4. Connecting and Orienting Walls
  5. Troubleshooting and Additional Notes

Module #2 – Precise Placement and Editing, Introduction to Parameters

  1. Coordinate Input, The Tracker and Guidelines
  2. Precise Placement of Elements
  3. Choosing and Placing Library Parts; Setting a Camera Position
  4. Placing Columns, How to Drag and Multiply Elements
  5. Wall Settings, Eye-Dropper & Syringe, Trimming Walls; Window, Door & Object Settings
  6. Drawing a Floor Slab, Editing the Polygon Boundary

Module #3 – Creating a Building Model to Specific Dimensions

  1. Drawing Exterior Walls, Entering Dimensions from a Drawing
  2. Drawing Interior Partition Walls, Offsets & Distances, Basic Intersection Cleanup
  3. Selecting and Placing Windows and Doors at Specific Locations
  4. Adding an Upper Story with Windows & Doors, Adding Floors, Cutting Sections

Module #4 – Introduction to Roof Construction

  1. Intro to Roof Construction for ArchiCAD 21 through 24
  2. Intro to Roof Construction for ArchiCAD 25
  3. Creating the Roofs for the Sample Building

Module #5 – Fixtures and Furniture; Annotation, Layers and Views; Creating Drawings and Layout Sheets

  1. Adding fixtures and furniture to the building; use of the Marquee tool for visualization and editing
  2. Layer Selection and Management; Placing Text and Dimensions
  3. Layer Combinations, View Settings, Model View Options & Cut Plane Settings
  4. The Fill Tool and the Label Tool
  5. The Layout Book; Placing Views as Drawings onto Layout Sheets

Module #6 – 2D Drawings (Details and Worksheets), Printing and Plotting, Stairs and Railings

  1. Creating Detail Drawings and Worksheets
  2. Printing, Plotting and Publishing
  3. Stairs: Creation, Configuration and Placement in the Model
  4. Railings: Placing and Editing in 2D and 3D

Module #7 – Interior Elevations, Terrain modeling, Schedules and Indexes

  1. Interior Elevations
  2. Site Modeling with Mesh, Slab and Object Tools
  3. Schedules and Indexes



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