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Premier Electric Fence Installation Skills Training- New Year @ KES 8K!!-

January 22 @ 09:00 - January 25 @ 16:30 EAT



1. You don’t need any specific qualifications to start as a trainee, although employers may expect you to have KCSE (A-D-), or similar qualifications, in English, Math and at least one

2. Full Fee payment before joining any scheduled program/ course

3. Ability to attend and participate actively in all our tuition and practical sessions. Science subject, or a technical subject. Previous experience in electrical or electronics work could be helpful when looking for work.


Living in a region where insecurity is a challenge, most residential owner find it indispensable to have electric fence installed on their perimeter walls
There are a few obvious advantages to electric fencing as a security barrier on your perimeter walls, as it acts as:

  • A physical barrier,
  • A psychological barrier, and
  • An early warning system.

The visual appearance thereof will be a definite deterrent to a potential intruder as it will cause a delay to enter your property and also when they want to exit again.
Skills on how to install such a perimeter security enhancement are offered at our institute to give young persons an expanded skill base which can earn them more when called upon to carry out suchlike jobs.

Who is this course intended for?

  • Anyone Interested in becoming an Electric Fence Dealer
  • Installers and Technicians
  • Project Managers
  • Security Managers
  • Building Contractors
  • Engineers and Consultants
  • Sales Staff of electronic security equipment
    A trainee learning how to install E-Fence on a model Fence at our workshop


click on the following link to download the Course Request Form

Compulsory class day 1:

Topics covered will be;

  • Electric fencing components;
  • Basic electronic and electrical theory;
  • Basic electronic and electrical components and equipment;
  • Basic electronic and electrical theory as applied to electric fencing;
  • Installation configuration, quotation, work plans and administration;
  • Completing the Electric Fencing System Certificate of Compliance.

Compulsory class day 2& 3:

Training will consist of extra topics not required for examination purposes, covering aspects of;

  • Earthing systems;
  • Overvoltage, electromagnetic interference and ground potential;
  • Metrology;
  • Communication systems;
  • Electric fence circuits, monitoring systems and electrical systems;
  • Review of assignments.

click on the following link to download the Course Request Form

Examination and assessment day 2:

A trainee getting the fundamentals of gate and corner pole installation.
  1. Written multiple choice question paper, covering;
  • Electric fencing components;
  • electronic and electrical theory;
  • electronic and electrical components and equipment;
  • Basic electronic and electrical theory as applied to electric fencing;
  • Installation configuration, quotation, work plans and administration.


  1. Practical exam 1 – covering aspects of finding faults on an electric fence.

Examination and assessment day 3:

A practical exam during which the learner has to erect a fully functional replica of an electric fence.
Should the learner be found to be competent, in; the two written exams; the two practical exams; and structured questions, the candidate will be declared competent as an ‘Electric Fence System Installer’.

Tools required for compulsory classes, practical projects, examinations and assessments:

A learner shall be responsible for supplying his or her own hand tools and instruments for this purpose.

A short list of which is as follows:-

  1. Side cutters and pliers – to be used on electric fencing wire.
  2. Small flat screw driver – to be used for tightening wires into connectors.
  3. Large flat screw driver – to be used for tightening self-tapping screws.
  4. Hack saw – for cutting conduit.
  5. Spring – for bending 20 mm conduit.
  6. Hand held multi-meter – capable of measuring resistance, voltage and current, with both DC and AC settings.
  7. Hand held volt meter – measuring electric fence high voltage.
  8. Hand held soldering iron, with solder.
  9. Safety boots and overalls.

This training will lift you from zero skills to a skilled and ready installer for all types of electric fences.It will take you through the fence design, material selection, costing, implementation, commissioning and maintenance.

to cover the following types of fences:

  • Free Standing Electric Fence

  • Top Wall Electric Fences

  • Custom Installed Electric Fences

Also to be covered would be:

  • Electric Fences Energizer types

  • Types Electric Fences wires

  • Electric Fences poles and their preparation

click on the following link to download the Course Request Form


January 22 @ 09:00 EAT
January 25 @ 16:30 EAT
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Kenvision Trainers, Kahawa Sukari, Nairobi
+254 725579251
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Kenvision Techniks Talent Centre
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