CCTV Installation over IP & Basic Networking Skills- Feb wk4

CCTV Installation over IP & Basic Networking Skills- Feb wk4

CCTV Installation over IP & Basic Networking Skills- Feb wk4

As a part of our CCTV training trainees will learn basics of IP Networks required to work with IP Cameras and NVRs: Ethernet connections, IP addresses, routers and switches.

Product Description


1. You don’t need any specific qualifications to start as a trainee, although employers may expect you to have KCSE (A-D-), or similar qualifications, in English, Math and at least one

2. Full Fee payment before joining any scheduled program/ course

3. Ability to attend and participate actively in all our tuition and practical sessions. Science subject, or a technical subject. Previous experience in electrical or electronics work could be helpful when looking for work.

CCTV Installation over IP & Basic Networking Skills


MON – FRI: 09.00 – 16.30  


Venue: Kenvision Techniks Talent Centre


An IP security system transmits over a network or internet, without the need to install other software or add additional monitoring equipment.

This training will explain the basics of some of the most popular technologies used in networking, CCTV Camera basics, configuration and management including but not limited to the following:

Types of Networks – including LANs, WANs

The Internet and Beyond – The Internet and its contributions to intranets and extranets

Types of LAN Technology – including Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, PoE, etc.

Networking and Ethernet Basics – including standard code, media, topographies, collisions and CSMA/CD

Ethernet equipment– including transceivers, network interface cards, hubs and repeaters.

This 5-DAY course is designed to give participants a practical knowledge of the Operation and Installation of CCTV Systems at a


  • IP Cameras and
  • Networking Skills.







SYNOPSIS Security comes second in the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs indicating how basic and critical it is in our very existence. In fact unless it is assured, no nation or individuals can move up the ladder of our needs. Apparently it has become quite an issue everywhere in the world. CCTV is one of the surveillance technologies that have emerged as preferred methods of pre-emptive countermeasures in public and private spaces. NB:

  • Ever wanted how to know how to create a simple working network of devices?
  • What about mobile network configurations?
  • Still not clear about basic cabling techniques, various types cables, their data carrying capacities (bandwidth), their terminations, associated devices, etc
  • What about IP Addressing (NAT)?
  • Do you consider knowledge of how switches, routers, bridges, servers, etc work to be of great value to the kind of technician you want to be?

You can get these skills and much more as extras when you enroll on our IP CCTV Training Program. This course is founded on giving you the best skills you can get on Surveillance Design techniques using customized auto-cad application, lens calculators, measuring PPM, handling resolutions, understanding aspect ratios, lighting, configuring IP cameras to   according to streaming standards.

Qualification: On completion of the Course, having been successful in TWO examinations (one written, one practical) the participant will receive a Certificate of Proficiency from KENVISION TECHNIKS TRAINERS [wpdevart_youtube]A1I0RSKWxLo[/wpdevart_youtube] 

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