As a CCTV Installation and Consultation company, we deal with various clients and from them we have heard a lot of questions that show how Kenyans perceive CCTV security systems. Installation of a surveillance system in an organization or a client’s home is not just done because a client wants it. At times we get calls with someone saying they want a CCTV security system at their house and when we question them on the kind of cameras they will need they go silent and shocked, with the main question being; are there different types of cameras? Before we embark on any installation venture, there are a couple of questions that we will ask the client and some questions that the client should ask themselves.
The first step for a client would be to define the Problem. The client should be able to understand the security need that they are looking for. By them defining the problem they are able to view the need in a new light that might even deduce that they do not even require a CCTV surveillance security system. For some needs all the customer needs is an electric fence or other alternative options but not necessarily the CCTV system.
The second step entails the client defining their requirements for the CCTV system. In this step they are able to clearly define the areas of concern that they think should have the Cameras installed at. This step should answer the following questions for the client: a) what do I need to see? And b) why do I need to see it? Once they are able to answer these two questions they then will be able to decide on the system requirements that will effectively meet their needs. Based on their requirements the installer should be able to understand the observation categories that the client needs to be covered. The categories are Monitoring, Detecting, Observing, Recognizing and Identifying. After all that is ascertained, then the client and the installer can proceed on.
The next step is usually the detailed CCTV system specification. Here the client and the installer will get into an in-depth discussion of

the technicalities involved like the effects of compression on image quality, camera selection, estimates on storage capacity. This is usually done more by the installer since they are more conversant in these issues. This shows the need to get a qualified installer who will therefore advice the client accordingly and ensure that they make accurate choices. This stage will end with the acquisition and installation of the CCTV Security system.
The final stage happens after the system is installed. It is known as the system commissioning and validation. At this point the installer will thoroughly check the system to ensure it meets the operational requirements and that its performance meets it

s purpose.
These are the simple yet elaborate steps that any qualified and professional installer should go through as they seek to serve any client. At #Kenvision Techniks we pride ourselves in our professionalism, and we will leave no stone unturned in our quest to meet our clients’ needs. We also pass across the skill to individuals who are willing and eager to join the industry. This is done through our #CCTV Installation Specialist Training Course which runs once every month.